Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Meg: Mill me down
Alyssa: Make me fiber
Kerri: Make me flour

Welcome citizens of the New Republic
We have come here on the plane of a new horizon
Rising higher in our humanity
We live in victory now.
We have abolished crime.
We have rid ourselves of war.
We have become a powerful, functioning machine,
And now we can live free.
We are free.
In the rise of the New Republic.

Meg: Will they remember
Mill me down

Alyssa: Mine was smiling
It had been years since I remembered to do so
Was a little rusty in my rendering
I crowbar bent my mouth into a pale pink half moon
Remembered what it felt like to be weightless
Before all of this happened
*before them

Meg: We're all just trying to find the sun again

Alyssa: And that’s when they came for me
With their hollow eyes and metal faces
They saw my lips split something deadly
too human
Kerri: Ripped the shadows out from under us
Alyssa: They force fed me my lips for breakfast the next morning
Make me fiber

Some murmurs have come from the disloyal
For the weak will always falter
They have rejected our laws
Defied our fines
If harder enforcement is what will convert the misled
Then we will take the responsibility
To stop the insolence
Through whatever means necessary.
And bring peace to our nation

A/M/K: whatever means necessary (in round, at means)

Kerrolita: He fell from the swingset
Face scrunched in pain,
He screams.
Kneeling down to comfort my little brother’s face
Eyes woven together like cloth
I press hard on his bleeding wounds
Whisper into his little ear not to cry
He cant cry, he can’t cry
(Don’t cry, don’t cry)

Miles: There are no tears

Kerri: I watch my brother’s pupils dilate
Fear-filled, red drops dripping out
Of his lidless sockets
I was holding him when they came for me
Arms frozen around his shrinking frame
They had to break both shoulder blades to unhinge me from him
Cut my fingers from his face
Make me fiber

Miles: There is no embracing

This world has turned inside out
To change the organs of our beings
Can blood flow cold?
Can love live in a vacuum?
Will I be enough to feed beginnings to people before the end?

Miles: There are no messy emotions here

Meg: There are still a few of us
Swingset kids pumping to flip
And midnight society songbirds
Writing poems with paper cuts
Underneath your fingernails
We’re hidden
In the place where the rainbow forgot about
Was bleached out of
Throats slit and still stinging
Make me flour

Miles: There is no poetry.

Removed our minds from books and art and emotions and the gutter
And place them in padded rooms
Milled us down

Kerri & Meg:
Make me fiber

Kerri: I dream in the colors they tried to drain from his skin

Alyssa & Meg:
Make me flour

Make my broken bones stretchers
For canvas we’ll paint one day

Miles: These are the laws of the New Republic
This is the life of the New Republic
Welcome to the dawn of the great new

Can you make bread of me?

1 comment:

HONESTLY kerri said...

i know im just being ridiculous
but does the order of
"mill me down
make me fiber
make me flour"
matter throughout the poem?
cause its not consistent
just an observation